Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 29 Issue 1

Table of contents

Effects on non‐professional staff of the implementation of computer‐based library systems in college libraries: some case studies

Rachel J. Daniels

This paper looks at the theme of library automation from a fresh standpoint — that of non‐professional library workers. The general effects of system implementation are examined…


IR_Framework: An object oriented framework for developing information retrieval systems

Steve Wade, Patrick Baekevelt

This paper discusses progress on the development of IR_Framework an extensible object oriented framework for information retrieval currently under development at the University of…


BIDS — the growth of a networked end‐user bibliographic database service

Terry Morrow

BIDS (Bath Information & Data Services) has been running end‐user bibliographic database services since February 1991. Since then, the service has seen steady growth in the number…


An introduction to sharing resources via the Internet in academic libraries and information centres in Europe

Lucy A. Tedd

An introduction is given to some of the resources on the Internet that may be used in academic libraries in Europe. Particular reference is made to accessing other libraries'…


ELAG 94: Report of the library systems seminar on library services in an electronic environment

Paula Goossens

The 18th ELAG (European Library Automation Group) meeting ‘Library services in an electronic environment’ was held in Budapest from 27 to 29 April 1994. ELAG was the guest of the…


CD‐ROM in school libraries

Lindesay Burton

This paper describes the advantages to be gained from the provision of CD‐ROMs in school libraries, together with the problems which must be faced and the long‐term implications…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited