Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 26 Issue 3

Table of contents

Character sets: towards a standard solution?

Susanna Peruginelli, Giovanni Bergamin, Pino Ammendola

Character coding systems such as ASCII and EBCDIC are unable to deal with the worldwide range of characters and so possible solutions, such as ISO 10646 and Unicode, involving…


Library automation in Spain: an overview

Alice Keefer, Miguel Jiménez

Spain's libraries have experienced considerable change in the past decade as a result of governmental restructuring and the general economic boom, after many years of neglect…


A unified automation system using VTLS for academic libraries in Finland

Esko Häkli

During a period of five years (1989–1993) all academic libraries in Finland (20 institutions) will install the same local library system and will be connected with each other…


The modernisation of Portuguese libraries — five decisive years

Maria Luísa Cabral, Maria Inês Lopes

Recent developments in Portuguese libraries are described with special attention to the application of new information technologies. The obvious modernisation largely described in…


SIBIL and REBUS: a regional cataloguing service in Switzerland, France and Luxembourg

Genevieve Clavel‐Merrin

The SIBIL system originated in software developed for the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire in Lausanne, Switzerland in the early 1970s. SIBIL is now seen as a bibliographic…


Producing the Irish Publishing Record at the National Library of Ireland

T J.D., Brian McKenna, Clara Cullen

A CEC‐funded project to automate the production of the Irish Publishing Record at the National Library of Ireland is described. The project is based around record sharing and…


Automation of document handling at Radio‐France

Catherine Leloup

This article describes the automation of a documentation centre which provides services to journalists and news editors at Radio‐France (the major French broadcasting…


A UK market survey of library automation system vendors (1990–1991)

John Blunden‐Ellis

This paper updates previous papers which surveyed the large library system marketplace in the UK. The present study based on the results of questionnaires distributed in 1991 to…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited