Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 26 Issue 2

Table of contents

Workstation design for library automation

Hilary Dyer

Inefficiency and physical complaints can be caused by poor workstation and job design. The main roots of these problems are identified and some solutions suggested. These…


A decade of DOBIS/LIBIS at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Library in Saudi Arabia

Zahiruddin Khurshid

The paper gives an account of the implementation of DOBIS/LIBIS at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Library in Saudi Arabia during the period from 1981 to 1991…


Automation in the Department of Printed Books at the National Library of Wales: Part 3, serials control and general administration

David Jeremiah

This is the concluding article in a series of three, describing the automation system used in the Department of Printed Books at the National Library of Wales. The procedures for…


An automated union catalogue for higher education in Indonesia: design studies for the Katalog Induk Perguruan Tinggi

John Ashford, Utami Hariyadi, Tina T. Nanny

A project to develop a national academic union catalogue for the 49 universities and major teacher training colleges of Indonesia has completed its design stages, and procurement…


The year of the UNICORN: a review of the first year's experience with the UNICORN collection management system at the King's Fund Centre

Margaret Haines

In the Autumn of 1989, King Edward's Hospital Fund for London embarked on an ambitious project to develop a fully integrated information retrieval system for its two libraries and…


The development of CD‐ROM provision at the Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman

Colin S. Johnston

The Sultan Qaboos University admitted its first students in 1986; this was an impressive achievement considering that very few schools existed in Oman 20 years ago. Since coming…


Production of a union catalogue using CDS/ISIS and Ventura: some experiences in India

A. Sreenivasa Ravi, A. Hariharan, B. Sadananda RAO

Rich collections of conference proceedings are available in major science and technology (S & T) libraries in India. Unfortunately, no bibliographic tool is available to provide…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited