Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 26 Issue 1

Table of contents

An expert system for quality control and duplicate detection in bibliographic databases

M.J. Ridley

The QUALCAT project at the University of Bradford attempted to apply automated quality control to databases of bibliographic records. Sets of records, putative duplicates, that…


The Data Trek automated library management system in the Library of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Peter Hoey

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Library offers a full range of library and information services to the Society's 42,000 members and the chemical community as a whole…


User friendliness and human‐computer interaction in online library catalogues

Micheline Hancock‐Beaulieu

The notion of user friendliness is discussed in terms of the relationship between interface design and the nature of human‐computer interaction in OPACs. Menu driven interfaces…


Tools for preparing an online catalogue of cartoon drawings

J.D. Bovey

This paper describes some tools that were written to help with the conversion of the card catalogue of a collection of cartoon drawings into an online catalogue. The tools…


End user training for CD‐ROM Medline: a survey of UK medical school libraries

Alena Steele, Gwyneth Tseng

CD‐ROM is an increasingly successful consumer product. The market is at present going through an experimental period with new openings being sought for specialised products…


Facilitating the use of LIBERTAS with programs run on a microcomputer

Terry Wall

Savings in paper and staff time may be made by using a microcomputer as an interface with a library automation system. Programs run on the microcomputer may be used to supply…


ELAG 1991: report of the library systems seminar

Paula Goosens

ELAG, the European Library Automation Group, brings together once a year people involved in library automation in the leading European libraries and information centres. On…


Library Technology Fair 1991 : a report

Lucy A. Tedd

The sixth Library Technology Fair was held at Hatfield Polytechnic on 11–12 September 1991. The fair has grown steadily in size since it was first held, in 1985, as a training…








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1966 – 2017

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