Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 24 Issue 2

Table of contents

Potential of DOBIS/LIBIS and MINISIS for automating library functions: a comparative study

Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, Mohammed Saleh Ashoor

This paper reports the results of a comparative study of the suitability of DOBIS/LIBIS and MINISIS for library applications. Evaluation of the systems against locally developed…


Application of CD‐ROM technology to libraries in developing countries

Stephen Wright

This paper examines the particular problems faced by developing countries in providing information services. The use of CD‐ROM is considered for online searching, provision of…


The development of Chinese ideographic processing for a shared cataloguing system

Jack Cain

This article describes the major aspects involved in the development, by Utlas, of a shared cataloguing system capable of handling Chinese ideographic data. Utlas has been…


Library applications of desktop publishing in practice: a tool and a resource

Jennifer Edkins

The practical use made of an Apple Macintosh desktop publishing system in a scientific research library is described. Examples are given to illustrate the range of uses, which…


SUTTON LINK: Sutton Libraries' new approach to community information using online public access terminals

Sally Wilkinson

SUTTON LINK is an integral part of the community information service provided by public libraries in the London Borough of Sutton. It is a database of community, local and leisure…


dBase to CDS/ISIS: a program to convert data from dBase/foxBase to CDS/ISIS

R.K. Goyal, Surinder Kumar

Several microcomputer‐based software packages are available which support library operations and the creation and searching of bibliographic databases. dBase/foxBase are such…


Transferring records from CD‐ROM to an inhouse database; some practical experiences

E. Michael Keen

The task of inputting records into an inhouse database for use in instructing students and for research into retrieval techniques, is now assumed to be cheap and easy by means of…








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