Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 21 Issue 3

Table of contents

Program, the first 21 years: a personal history

Richard T. Kimber

We have met to celebrate — and rightly so — the completion of twenty‐one years of the publication of a great journal: twenty‐one years of hard work for more than one of us here…


How did we get here from there? Reminiscing on the early days of library automation

Rollo G. Woods

My title is an allusion to that old country joke — If I were going there, I wouldn't start from here. Perhaps it should have been: How did I get here from there? Why should I have…


Five communications software packages reviewed: Communique, Connect, Datatalk, Headline, Information Transfer

Anne Ramsden

Communications software on microcomputers enhances the management of communications and online searching by automating the repetitive tasks of logging on to various database…


First experiences with BOOKSHELF at Fife Health Board

Clare Powne

The benefits of microcomputer‐based catalogue automation in the development of a small multi‐site health authority library service are discussed. Implementation of the catalogue…


Local area network development at Leicester Polytechnic Library

Roy J. Adams, Mel Collier

Leicester Polytechnic Library uses two types of local area network (LAN). The library is connected to the polytechnic campus Cambridge Ring network which allows data…


Text Retrieval 86 — Full text rules OA?: Information handling techniques for the office, City Business Centre, London, 26–27 November 1986; report of a seminar

Chris Batt

As may be evident from its sub‐title, Text Retrieval 86, the fourth text retrieval seminar organised by the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS), was targeted at an…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited