Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 20 Issue 3

Table of contents

INSTRUCT: a teaching package for experimental methods in information retrieval. Part I. The users view

Ian G Hendry, Peter Willett, Frances E. Wood

This paper describes INSTRUCT, an interactive computer program which has been developed as a teaching aid for use within schools of librarianship and information science. The…


Library automation at UMIST, using ADLIB

Fiona Clear

UMIST Library's implementation of the ADLIB (Adaptive Library Management) system began in 1984 and is currently used for acquisitions, cataloguing, circulation control and…


GRS (General Retrieval System): a retrieval system for use in the humanities

Alan McWhirr

Research in the arts/humanities frequently requires the use of an information retrieval system which can handle varying lengths of text, and which can also be used for large…


CONCORD: the development of a free‐text retrieval system for microcomputers and its use in legal education

Michael Slade, William Smith

The paper describes the development of CONCORD, a free‐text retrieval package enabling the creation of databases designed and implemented in an educational environment. It traces…


Implementing ASSASSIN on the ICL ME29 at the British Institute of Management

Richard Withey

This paper describes the methods used at the British Institute of Management (BIM) to computerise the records of the Management Information Centre using ASSASSIN, and the problems…


READFAST — an online information retrieval system

D.R. Kulkarni, R.R. Bharucha

READFAST, an online user‐friendly system, has been developed for the Library of the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, India. The abbreviation READFAST stands for…


Automation at the University of Western Ontario Libraries: a review

Nazlin Bhimani

Many libraries in the Western world are automating their library functions due to the rising cost of labour and the processing time advantages which can result from automation…


Development of an agricultural database for dissemination of research information to research and extension workers using STATUS software

G. Pasqual

The Information Branch of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture (WADA) provides an internal information service for research and extension workers throughout Western…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited