Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 19 Issue 3
Table of contents
Retrospective conversion of card catalogues into full MARC format using sophisticated computer‐controlled visual imaging techniques
Martin HarrisonAn overview of the OPTIRAM/LIBPAC computerised system for the intelligent optical scanning of catalogue cards, or any other form of printed or good hand‐written material, into a…
UNIX software tools and library automation
A.M. Sarrafan, R.E. CooleySoftware tools are programs which perform simple functions and have simple interfaces. They can be easily put together to make complete systems; and their use for library…
An overview of information retrieval software for microcomputers in France
Roland Bertrand, Emmanual HenriotThe potential uses of microcomputers seem unlimited and information retrieval is now an important area of application. This paper presents the teachings and the conclusions of a…
Producing an index to legal periodicals in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office library using Cardbox
Martin CallowThis article provides an account of setting up an index to legal periodicals in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office library using a microcomputer with hard disk storage and…
Administration of a reserve collection at Paisley College using dBase II
Philomena Millar, Janette CochraneThe use of a database management system, dBase II, in the computerisation of the reserve book file at Paisley College is described. Reasons are given for the choice of this…
Fax: testing the uses of facsimile transmission at Aberdeen City libraries
Letitia Smith‐BurnettAberdeen's geographical isolation from other centres of commerce and industry in the United Kingdom encourages librarians in the city to examine all possible methods of…
Report of a seminar on software evaluation for library and information applications
Stephen FloodOn 1 February 1985 an invited audience of representatives from a wide variety of library and information organisations attended a seminar on software evaluation sponsored by the…
Program: notes for contributors
L. Tedd, R.G. Woods, R.C. YoungIn a dummy article, which itself forms a model, the types of contribution welcomed for Program (full‐length articles, short communications, news items, letters to the Editor) are…