Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 18 Issue 2

Table of contents

Factors to consider in choosing a microcomputer for library housekeeping and information retrieval in a small library: experience in the Cairns Library

Hilary Gates

From a project to develop a microcomputer facility for small libraries, some criteria which may be used in the selection of a microcomputer and applications software for library…


Information storage and retrieval systems on mainframes and minicomputers: a comparison of text retrieval packages available in the UK

John Ashford

Information provided by the vendors of nine text based package systems is presented in a standard format. Features which are now generally accepted as ‘necessary’ are identified…


Multi‐site library networking: experience of the Polytechnic of Central London

Mel Collier, David Piper

The Polytechnic of Central London has developed and installed a wide area network connecting libraries on six sites. The network is linked to SWALCAP for circulation control, and…


dBASE II — Library use of a microcomputer database management system

Stephen Bordwell

The nature of database management software is considered in the light of library requirements, and is compared with information retrieval software. Specific features of one…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited