Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 17 Issue 4

Table of contents

To what extent is scientific information automated in Spain?

Aida Mendez

A survey of the Spanish scene concerning the automation of scientific information is presented. The article is structured as two main parts. The first one explains the…


Critical path analysis: A library management tool

Peter Brophy

The technique of Critical Path Analysis (CPA) and its applications are described. A simple example is used to illustrate the method. The use of CPA in the implementation of an…


Polytechnic library applications of a database management system using microcomputers linked to a hard disc

Liz Lines

The paper describes a microcomputer system, recently installed in Coventry (Lanchester) Polytechnic Library, consisting of two Apple II microcomputers connected to a 20 megabyte…


REMARC: A retrospective conversion project

Susan Severtson

A detailed history and description of the REMARC project, which is carrying out the conversion from the LC Shelf list of all records not on USMARC. This is an undertaking on a…


Library automation in Brazil: the state of the art

Cavan McCarthy

Automated systems can be found in about forty locations in Brazil, including both libraries and information systems; they are usually simple systems, developed and operating in…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited