Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 15 Issue 4
Table of contents
Extending machine readable availability of Australian bibliographic records
Michael MiddletonThe extent of bibliographic database development in Australia is summarised with reference to all of the publicly available machine‐readable files. An analysis is made of the…
Automated serials control at the British Library Lending Division
A.J. HarleyThe British Library Lending Division serials system is unusual both in its size and in the fact that it has been automated for more than 20 years. The present version involves an…
Shall we circulate automatically?:: A cost benefit analysis of Newcastle Polytechnic Library's automated circulation control system
G.A. WrightThis paper examines the recent acquisition by Newcastle Polytechnic Library of a computer aided circulation control system. Using the Cost Benefit Analysis methodology (CBA), the…
Generation of fixed‐length search codes from INSPEC words using techniques based on variety generation and on division‐hashing
David Cooper, Michael F. Lynch, Alice H.W. McLureThe use of variety generation techniques in the production of fixed‐length degenerate representations for search terms is compared with methods based on division‐hashing. For…