Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 15 Issue 3
Table of contents
A brief survey of developments in computerised legal information retrieval
Gillian BullStarting with an explanation of the language of law, the article outlines the characteristics of legal literature and the expectations of computer‐based systems. There follows a…
LEXIS: a radical approach to computer‐assisted legal research
Nicolas HarrisonAn outline is given of the various conventional legal information sources both primary and secondary. Examples are given of the use made of judgments and rulings. The format…
WESTLAW vs LEXIS: computer‐assisted legal research comes of age
James A. SprowlTwo commercial computer‐based legal retrieval systems are described — WESTLAW of West Publishing Co. and LEXIS of Mead Data Central. These systems enable searches by words or…
The EUROLEX experience
Norman Nunn‐PriceEight characteristics of a lawyer's working environment are described including the need for reliable information, the relevance of older documents, the need for access to textual…
Text retrieval in Norway
Jon BingAfter discussing the characteristics of text retrieval systems, their development is outlined. An explanation is given of the information requirements of lawyers in relation to…
Kluwer's legal database
Cor VerschoorThe group began the online service in 1979 based on the Kluwer Law and Taxation publications. A description of the group and the Databank is given. The development of the online…
Computer‐based legal retrieval systems in the Federal Republic of Germany
Werner Robert SvobodaThe introduction explains that legal retrieval systems in the Federal Republic of Germany have still to be developed on the scale of some other countries. Brief descriptions…