Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 15 Issue 2

Table of contents

Harwell Automated Loans System—HAL, using STATUS

C.W.J. Wilson, E.M. Haynes, F.N. Teskey

The paper describes the transfer from an early, batch‐process, custom‐designed, automated library loans system using teletypewriters and paper tape input; to a modern loans system…


Hash coding of bibliographic data using techniques based on variety generation and on division

David Cooper, Michael F. Lynch, Alice H.W. McLure

The use of variety generation techniques in the production of author‐title search codes for files of monograph records is compared with methods based on division hashing. The…


The provision of a subject index at Preston Polytechnic Library and Learning Resources Service: Use of an adaptation of PRECIS at Preston Polytechnic

Frances Hendrix, Stephen Wilson

Preston Polytechnic Library and Learning Resources Service—a member of BLCMP—has developed and now uses a PRECIS‐related subject index produced locally in co‐operation with the…


A survey of retrospective conversion of existing catalogues

Jean Marie Willers

This paper reports a survey undertaken of libraries with operational machine readable catalogues, to examine treatment of existing manual catalogues and their retrospective…








Online date, start – end:

1966 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited