Program: electronic library and information systems: Volume 10 Issue 2

Table of contents

Mini computers in cataloguing

Bruce Royan

The paper discusses some ways mini computers could be applied to cataloguing, and then lists the known users, giving the type of computer and the use to which it is put. There is…


Minis in Circulation Control: some parameters and examples

C.J. Aslin

Outlines some of the parameters one should consider when thinking about using minicomputers in circulation systems, lists some examples where they have been used or are to be…


What is a Mini?

R.J. Long, M.A. Hyman

The paper outlines the nature of mini computers in relation to the older and larger mainframe machines. It describes the major items of a machine and likely ranges of cost…


Automation at the New University of Ulster

B.J.C. Wintour, B. McDowell

One of the first university libraries to employ the Plessey ‘library pen’ system, a recent convert to MARC, and a prolific user of tape typewriters for the production of…


The Universal Standard Book Number (USBN): why, how and a progress report

F.H. Ayers

Outlines the reasons why the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is proving to be an unreliable identifier for records in bibliographic data banks and suggests how the…








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1966 – 2017

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Emerald Publishing Limited