Management Decision: Volume 59 Issue 5


Table of contents - Special Issue: Exploring entrepreneurial decision-making and behaviour: contexts, processes and dynamics

Guest Editors: Andrea Caputo, Massimiliano M. Pellegrini

The impact of founder’s regulatory focus on the process of firm birth and firm abandonment

Paris Koumbarakis, Heiko Bergmann, Thierry Volery

The purpose of this paper is to show how self-regulation influences the relationship between nascent entrepreneurial exploitation activities, firm birth and firm abandonment.

Entrepreneurial decision-making and family social capital

Cizhi Wang, Giulia Flamini, Kai Wang, Rong Pei, Chiyin Chen

The purpose of this paper is to adopt a collective perspective in the study of entrepreneurial decision-making processes and empirically analyse the ways in which social…

On the cognitive microfoundations of effectual design: the Situated Function–Behavior–Structure framework

Amir Emami, Mark D. Packard, Dianne H.B. Welsh

The purpose of this article is to extend effectuation theory at the front end by building cognitive foundations for the effectual design process.

Entrepreneurial passion, orientation and behavior: the moderating role of linear and nonlinear thinking styles

Lamberto Zollo, Riccardo Rialti, Alberto Tron, Cristiano Ciappei

The purpose of this paper is to unpack the underlying mechanisms of entrepreneurs' passion, orientation and behavior by investigating the role of rational and nonrational…


Exploring entrepreneurial characteristics, motivations and behaviours in equity crowdfunding: some evidence from Italy

Ciro Troise, Mario Tani

This study explores entrepreneurial decision-making in the equity crowdfunding (ECF) context, and it aims to shed some light on the relationship among three aspects…


Entrepreneurial decisions in tourism and hospitality during crisis

Nikolaos Pappas, Alyssa Eve Brown

The article examines the entrepreneurial decision-making in the Greek tourism and hospitality sector during a period of an economic crisis.


Imitation in immigrant entrepreneurship: an analytical framework

Beata Glinka, Przemysław G. Hensel

The phenomenon of imitation has attracted immense attention in studies of big companies, but it has been largely neglected in the immigrant entrepreneurship research thus far. The…

Strategic entrepreneurship: Personal values and characteristics influencing SMEs' decision-making and outcomes. The Gemar Balloons case

Rosa Lombardi, Riccardo Tiscini, Raffaele Trequattrini, Laura Martiniello

The purpose of this paper is to explore the characteristics and personal values of a successful entrepreneur in order to understand the quality of such characteristics. Thus, this…


Rethinking risk management in entrepreneurial SMEs: towards the integration with the decision-making process

Chiara Crovini, Gabriele Santoro, Giovanni Ossola

The main purpose of this study is twofold: first, to analyze how risk is considered and managed by entrepreneurial SMEs, where the original founder is still the entrepreneur…


Impact of relatedness, uncertainty and slack on corporate entrepreneurship decisions

Robert Garrett, Shaunn Mattingly, Jeff Hornsby, Alireza Aghaey

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of opportunity relatedness and uncertainty on the decision of a corporate entrepreneur to pursue a venturing opportunity.

Entrepreneurial decision-making for global strategies: a “heart–head” approach

Clara Benevolo, Lara Penco, Teresina Torre

The purpose of this study is to build a proposal for an integrated analysis / evaluation / decision / implementation framework to suit entrepreneurial companies intending to…


The macro-level determinants of user entrepreneurship in healthcare: an explorative cross-country analysis

Francesco Schiavone, Giorgia Rivieccio, Francesco Paolone, Antonella Rocca

This article analyses the new venture creation by patient innovators in 40 countries examining the effects of the four macro-level factors on entrepreneurship, adding a fifth…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)