Management Decision: Volume 32 Issue 9


Table of contents

Rightsizing: The Strategic Human Resource Management Challenge of the 1990s

Rachid Zeffane, Geoffrey Mayo

Argues that, before rightsizing is considered, human resource managementmust establish the appropriate human resource plan to give theorganization the edge it needs to minimize…


HRM: A Key to Competitiveness

David E. Terpstra

In the increasingly competitive global economic environment,organizations are searching for strategies and practices that will givethem an edge. Describes some HRM practices that…


Communication Network Analysis and Dysfunctional Organizational Coalition

Patricia Hager Karathanos

Reviews theory on coalition formation and what it might mean to amanager in an organization. Defines coalition, for the purpose of thediscussion, as a means‐oriented alliance…


Incorporating Risk into Capital Budgeting Decisions Using Simulation

D.J. Smith

Monte Carlo simulation is one of a number of analytical techniquesavailable to enable managers to assess the risks surrounding capitalbudgeting decisions. Although it is covered…


CREAM: Criteria‐Related Employability Assessment Method: : A Systematic Model for Employee Selection

Robert E. Ripley

Presents an improved replicable systematic method for the selection orpromotion of employees through the developmental stages of a case study.The method provides systematic…


A Human Resource Philosophy

Tom Kilcourse

By subjugating the judgement of its managers to systems, or to the egoof a Messianic MD, modern organizations squeeze out the very humanqualities for which they are paying. Argues…


Expansionary Processes of the Small Business: A Life Cycle Profile

Marilyn M. Helms, Troy W. Renfrow

Based on a survey of small businesses, confirms the life cycle model ofgrowth and progression. Knowledge of the life cycle stages can assistmanagement in anticipating and…


The Art of Asking Questions

Gerald Vinten

Managers spend most of their time asking questions. It is therefore ofinterest to them to be acquainted with some of the research conducted bysurvey methodologists, on asking…


A Longitudinal Study of the United Kingdom 1500‐1900: The Rise and Fall of Innovative Leadership

Steve Dunphy, Paul A. Herbig, Frederick A. Palumbo

Before 1500 Britain was not considered a major European power. Threehundred years later Britain led the way for the Industrial Revolutionand held sway economically and militarily…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)