Management Decision: Volume 30 Issue 3


Table of contents

Introducing Collaborative Advantage: Achieving Inter‐organizational Effectiveness through Meta‐strategy

Chris Huxham, David Macdonald

In today′s organizational environment, the ability to managepositive relationships between organizations, as well as those withinorganizations, is becoming increasingly important…


A Model for Personal Success

Harry Alder

Questions whether the search for excellence should begin in thecorporation or in the world of the individual, on which neuro‐linguisticprogramming (NLP) is based. Examines the…

Organizational Impasse: Diagnosis and Intervention

Carol A. O′Connor

Serves a dual purpose: (1) to clarify the nature and occurrence ofimpasse in groups towards defining and categorizing it: and (2) to usethese findings as a means for diagnosing…

Building a Small Expert System for a Routine Task: A Case Study

Alan Stockdale, Michael Wood

Expert systems are computer programs which can emulate certainfunctions of human expertise. They are now used in many areas ofbusiness. In the last five years or so a number of…

Enabling Customers to Drive Your Enterprise

Gordon Wills

Discusses the theory of front‐ and back‐seat driving relative tocustomer‐driven enterprise in marketing. With deregulation andprivatization picking up speed in service industries…


This article has been withdrawn as it was published elsewhere and accidentally duplicated. The original article can be seen here: 10.1108/EUM0000000000088. When citing the…


Self‐managing Work Teams (SMWT) and the Human Resource function

David K. Banner, W. Anthony Kulisch, Newman S. Peery

Forces of international competition and innovations withinorganizations have led to the development of employee involvementprogrammes, including self‐managing work teams. The…

Structuring the Joint Venture: Direct Foreign Investment in the United States

Thomas M. Apke

Discusses the problems involved when foreign investors decide totry and involve themselves in the US market. US and local income taxesare involved and investors must be apprised…

Understanding Consumers’ Behaviour: Can Perceived Risk Theory Help?

V‐W. Mitchell

Aims to highlight the use of Perceived Risk Theory in understandingand influencing consumers′ behaviour. Recent evidence from numerous foodscares and product recalls have…


Applying Deming to Service

Adebowale Akande

Assesses the current status and future prospects of quality andproductivity improvement efforts in business, especially in America.Presents a picture of the state of the art of…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)