Management Decision: Volume 30 Issue 1


Table of contents

Implementing Performance Review and Career Planning: Part One

John Knibbs, Stephen Swailes

Describes an initiative to refocus the appraisal, review and careerplanning within the Shoe and Allied Trades Research Association (SATRA).First of a two‐part article; the second…

Preparing Executives for Overseas Assignments

Tamer Cavusgil, Ugur Yavas, Sandy Bykowicz

Describes a comprehensive 14‐week predeparture training programmeand an on‐location orientation session that companies may find usefulwhen they transfer personnel to foreign…

When Private Companies Go Public

Richard Osborne

Entrepreneurs appear to become better managers of their businessesonce those businesses go public: this means more attention to systematicplanning, more reliance on other senior…

Enabling Managerial Growth and Ownership Succession

Gordon Wills

Describes the efforts of the owner/directors of a private limitedcompany to put into place a succession strategy. Considers three majorthemes: second generation…

WhistleBlowing: Corporate Help or Hindrance?

Gerald Vinten

A series of case studies of whistle‐blowers suggests that mostsuffer harm of one sort or another, however justified their cause.Research on whistle blowing shows that the average…

Identifying and Developing Referral Channels

Scott R. Herriott

A referral channel is a special type of information channel, onethat is missing in standard discussions of the promotional mix. In areferral channel, one firm is in a position to…

Taking the Single Step

Marilyn M. Helms

Considers the possibilities of the West trading with China. Howmuch do we know about that country and what are our long‐termobjectives? Discusses the economic, legal, political…

Strategic Alliances in Banking

Paul F. Takac, C.P. Singh

Defines the concept of strategic alliances as well as outlining thepotential benefits and disadvantages of entering into suchrelationships. This will facilitate critical reviews…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)