Table of contents
Developing a collaborative faculty‐librarian information literacy assessment project
Jackie Belanger, Rebecca Bliquez, Sharleen MondalThe purpose of this paper is to describe the process of developing an information literacy assessment project, and to discuss key findings from the project.
Information behaviour meta‐models
Andrew K. Shenton, Naomi V. Hay‐GibsonThe purpose of this paper is to explore meta‐models that pertain to information behaviour. It seeks to highlight the possibilities they offer to researchers wishing to develop…
User perception on library services and information resources in Kenyan Public Libraries
Charles N. NzivoThe purpose of this paper is to provide information on how public libraries and information services in Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) are perceived, by examining adult…
The role of social networking sites (SNSs) in the January 25th Revolution in Egypt
Essam MansourThe purpose of this paper is to asses the role of social networking sites (SNSs) in the 25 January 2011 Egyptian Revolution, also known as the “Arab Spring”.