Table of contents
Gentle Journalism
COLM BROGANCOMPETITION among national newspapers has led to some very peculiar developments in British journalism, but there has been nothing quite so startling and, indeed, so dangerous, as…
Librarian Essayists I Have Known
W.C. BERWICK SAYERSIF I say that I knew Edmund Gosse, I mean merely that I once persuaded him to address the Library Assistants' Association. Later we exchanged a few letters on poetry. He came, a…
Young Poets Paraded
STANLEY SNAITHWHEN Mr. Auden writes: “Me, March, you do with your movements master and rock With wing‐whirl, whale‐wallow . . .”
The Fiercest of Bibliomaniacs
H. PHIPPS HEMMINGJUST over a hundred years ago began what was truly described as the “slaughter” of the hoards of books collected by Richard Heber, whom Thomas Campbell called “the fiercest and…