Table of contents
Measurement, management and the digital library
Jane BartonWhile the need for meaningful assessment of traditional library services is well established, the development of metrics and standards for performance measurement in the digital…
Finding the evidence for therapeutic PICO questions on four electronic resources
Ping Gu, Heleen Dyserinck, Marjan Loep, José FrijnsThe aim of this article is to clarify for users the differences between the information resources Cochrane Library (online version), SUMSearch, TRIP (Turning Research into…
Awareness and use of electronic information resources at the health sciences center of Kuwait University
Sajjad ur Rehman, Vivian RamzyElectronic resources are vital, but extremely expensive and medical librarians are genuinely concerned about their effective use. It is a widely held view that low awareness and…
People's network libraries: comparative case studies of old and new ICT learning centres
Frances Schofield, David McMenemy, Kay HendersonThe people's network (PN) aims to ensure the provision of free and open access to Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) through public libraries. This paper compares the…
Striking a balance: priorities for research in LIS
Sarah McNicol, Pete DaltonThis paper examines current research activities, and future priorities for research, in the library and information community and describes some of the areas of convergence and…
Library anxiety: a decade of empirical research
Alison ClevelandThis paper reviews the major publications by Qun G. Jiao and Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie that chronicles the development of empirical research conducted on the construct of library…