Table of contents
Information policy for a new millennium
Derek LawPrevious revolutions, the Agrarian and Industrial, are examined and their features compared with the Information Revolution. Lessons are drawn from the comparison and a range of…
Social inclusion and the information poor
J.D. HendryThe evidence for and nature of world poverty are examined, and their incidence in the UK and more specifically Glasgow demonstrated. This is then developed into a discussion of…
Training in the implementation and use of electronic resources: a proposed curriculum for Vietnam
Lan Anh TranBased on extensive fieldwork in Vietnam and first‐hand knowledge of library science education in the country, the paper proposes a detailed library school curriculum in electronic…
The Nepal National Library: an introduction
Dasharath ThapaHis Majesty’s Government of Nepal established the Nepal National Library in the mid‐1950s. The first librarian was Gangadhar Parajuli. The collection consists of literature in…