Table of contents
I have seen the future and IT works
Chris BattBriefly reviews the nature of the information society and discusses its revolutionary aspects. Examines the main characteristics of the new information revolution in relation to…
The Black and Minority Ethnic Stock Group (BSG) in Hackney libraries
Shiraz Durrani, John Pateman, Naila DurraniDescribes the establishment and work of the Black and minority Ethnic Stock Group (BSG) in Hackney libraries. The BSG was an attempt to involve black staff, at all levels in the…
Background for broadcasters: the BBC libraries in the 1970s
Geoffrey WhatmoreDescribes the random growth of specialist libraries within the BBC and their survival in the 1970s. The nature of the post of head of these multifarious services is considered…
Libraries as bridges to fellowship and belonging in the Barents Region
Lars Hansen JuvikThe location and nature of the Barents Region are indicated and the provision of trans‐national regional library services described. Collaborative ventures include a series of…
Private camel library brings hope to pastoralists: the Kenyan experience
Richard Masaranga Atuti, J.R. Ikoja‐OdongoDiscusses an innovation in the Kenya National Library Service, the Camel Library Service (CLS) in North Eastern Province, Kenya. Highlights results of an investigation of the…