Table of contents
Library Use of Performance Indicators
Stephen RichardSurveys the use of performance indicators in higher educationlibraries, arising from a study tour of the USA. Considers the purposesand use of performance indicators in relation…
Safe in Whose Hands? Scottish University Library Finances in the 1980s
Kenneth J. Cameron, Michael RobertsA review of the main financial trends in Scottish universitylibraries during the 1980s. Updates a previous study in 1986 by the sameauthors on this topic, covering the…
Career Development Reports: A New Initiative in Student Career Perceptions
Peter Stephen, Maria E. BurkeStudents at Manchester Metropolitan University School of Libraryand Information Studies are required to submit a career developmentreport, analysing their own aims and aptitudes…
The Electronic Book Arrives: At Last?
An initial series of small CD‐ROM discs containing the texts ofbooks, and of a hand‐held reader to access them, has recently beenlaunched by Columbia Tristar Home Video and Sony…