Table of contents
Coping with Flood Disaster: The Experience of a University Library
N.P. ObokohA flood disaster at the University of Port Harcourt Library,Nigeria, is reported. The rescue action taken to salvage water damagedmaterials is described. The problems encountered…
The BookshelF Thesaurus: Treasure or Trauma?
Ruth WilsonThe thesaurus module of the BookshelF automated system is describedbriefly. The results are reported of a research survey into theoperation of this module. A questionnaire…
Deterioration of Library Materials: What Options for Nigeria?
M.C. OnwubikoA brief history of paper is given and an overview of conservationand preservation efforts throughout the world is presented. The causesof deterioration of bibliographic resources…
Change and Opposition in the 1980s: The UK Government′s Proposals for the Public Library Service
R.J. PrichardThe closing years of the last decade saw the United Kingdomgovernment trying to implement changes which could drastically alter theconcept of the public library service in this…
The Preservation of Information: Principles and Practice of Format Conversion
John FeatherThe scale of the preservation problem makes the preservation of alloriginal documents impossible. To preserve the information they contain,they can be copied into other formats…