Library Review: Volume 40 Issue 2/3


Table of contents

Preserving the Eternal Values of the Research Library in a Throwaway Age

Maurice B. Line

The historical role of the research library was to accumulaterecorded knowledge in order to serve future as well as present needs.This has been severely affected by the growth in…

Who Wins – the Architect or the Librarian? Academic Library Building in Britain 1984‐1989

Elizabeth M. Rodger

The architectural design of 27 new academic libraries has beenexamined in detail. Conclusions and recommendations are presented,covering: the planning process; exterior design and…

The Librarians of Glasgow University over 350 Years: 1641‐1991

Peter Hoare

The Librarians of Glasgow University since 1641 are identified, andtheir periods of office summarised and assessed as far as informationallows. The terms of appointment in early…

The Appropriate Library

D.J. Simpson

The aims and intentions of the founders, funders, managers andkeepers of libraries are reflected on and compared with the hopes andwishes of readers and other library users.

New Professionals – Training for the Present and the Future

Margaret M. Coutts

The role and expectations of new professional assistants inacademic libraries are explored. A special balance and a specificemphasis are needed in this formative period, to give…

Before and after Atkinson: University Libraries as a National Resource

Ian R.M. Mowat

The main documents governing university library collection policiesare surveyed and their effects on those policies assessed. Therelationship between the transfers of departments…

Organising for Change in Academic Libraries: Context and Strategy

James Thompson

The post‐war agents for change in British university libraries arereviewed, and their effects on university librarianship discussed.Declining funds and the impact of automation…

The British Library and University Libraries: A Personal Reflection upon Co‐operation between Libraries Serving Scholarship and Research

Michael Smethurst

Upon its establishment in 1973, the British Library was seen bymany university librarians with nervous concern and suspicion. Thefunctions, development and influence the British…

Subject‐Divisional Organisation: The Standard Still Flies

Henry Heaney

The staff structure at Glasgow University Library inherited afterR.O. MacKenna′s retirement in 1978 is described. Taking into accountautomation, information access, research…

Preservation and Scholarship in Libraries

F.W. Ratcliffe

The technological and other changes affecting research libraries inrecent decades are reviewed in relation to the book and itsconservation, and to once traditional book‐centred…

Cover of Library Review







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1927 – 2017

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