Library Review: Volume 39 Issue 3


Table of contents

LC and BL: Libraries of Tomorrow

Developments in the Library of Congress and British Library aresurveyed as they relate to new technology and its impact on libraries.Featured are: the LC′s Machine Readable…

Keeping Up‐to‐date with Electronic Products: Systems Fairs North and South of the Border

The establishment and development of two automation events forlibrarians and information officers in England and Scotland areoutlined. Some details are presented of the Library…

Planning the Automation of Libraries in Developing Countries: A Systems Analysis Approach

Jangawe Msuya

Many libraries in developed countries have automated theirhousekeeping functions; a few developing countries have already mademoves towards automation while others are still…

Automation and Academic Library Management: A Case Study

Peter E. September

The history of automation in the libraries of the University ofMichigan is outlined and a detailed study is presented of the strategicplanning and implementation of the MIRLYN…


Micro‐technology and Learning in the Public Library

Angela McCormick

The establishment in Troon Public Library, Scotland, by the MarrEducational Trust of an educational resource facility is recounted. Themicrocomputer hardware and software and…

Optical Discs in Libraries: A Survey of Some Recent Products

The present state of the library CD‐ROM market is briefly commentedon and a number of recent products and developments are examined.Featured are products and services from the…

Cover of Library Review







Online date, start – end:

1927 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:
