Table of contents
W.J. MurisonIT MAY BE APPROPRIATE to open with a quotation, and who better to pull the curtains than Viscount Eccles who once made a very wise statement: ‘If a man has good manners and is not…
Chronological Order
Kenneth HodgesA LIBRARY that moves towards becoming an information centre mirrors those attempts made in the political sphere to construct a community out of a fragmented reality, rife with…
The Boys' Friend
Frances CollingwoodNO TRIBUTE to the gallant R. M. Ballantyne could have been greater than the action of the boys of Harrow School who, upon receiving the news of his death in 1894, spontaneously…
A Recent Scottish Literary Find
David CairnsA YEAR OR TWO AGO there came into my hands a manuscript book about Edinburgh in the 1790s written in his old age in 1854 by a certain John Howell. This book, which had been sent…
AS WE RETREAT ever deeper into ourselves from the chaos around us—security chains on each door, ‘I spy’ peepholes obtained on mail order through Exchange and Mart in the upper…