Table of contents
A Prompt Copy of Etherege's: The Man of Mode
John ConaghanTHE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND has three copies of the first quarto (dated 1676) of Sir George Etherege's The Man of Mode, one of the finest and most successful of Restoration…
Books as Things
Sarah CampionA MUSICAL FRIEND once reassured me, when I apologized for talking while a Hadyn symphony was pouring from the radio. ‘Rubbish!’ he said. ‘Haydn and Mozart and all the rest wrote…
Books printed at Sheffield before 1760
Enid C. GilberthorpeTHE FIRST BOOK known to have been printed at Sheffield did not appear until 1736. Not even the most fervent upholder of local pride and tradition could claim that this is…
Current Trends in Children's Literature: Loughborough, 5th–10th August 1968
Enid M. OsborneOVER SEVENTY children's librarians, teachers, publishers, writers and illustrators attended the first course organized by the School of Librarianship as part of the Loughborough…
The Corelli Story
Dorothy BowhayTHERE IS A PLAN afoot by a well‐known publishing firm to re‐issue all Marie Corelli's novels as paperbacks. Some are already out, and the plan will, it is hoped, help to kindle in…
Indications of Alfred Cotgreave
John CrawfordALFRED COTGREAVE was born at Ecclestone in Cheshire in 1849 and acquired experience first at the Royal Exchange Library in Manchester and then with Birmingham public libraries. In…