Library Review: Volume 21 Issue 4
Table of contents
Leonard Merrick and Alfred the Great
P.J. WilsonAN INTERESTING CHOICE for re‐issue this autumn in Anthony Blond's Doughty Library of novels by Victorian and Edwardian authors is Leonard Merrick's The Position of Peggy Harper…
The IFLA Conference 1967
L.M. HarrodJAMES E. SKIPPER, Associate Librarian of Princeton University, provided an introductory statement on the Shared Cataloging Program, which is surely the greatest and most speedily…
The Library at Abbotsford
A.E. DayNO MAN OF LETTERS has ever more closely identified himself with his country's historical lore and traditions than Sir Walter Scott: as poet and novelist his place in Scottish…
What Public Libraries Have Meant to Me
Eric GlasgowIN THE COURSE of a quarter of a century of varied literary activities and very diverse geographical wanderings I have read, dozed, and written articles within the hospitable walls…
Pidgin English He No Die
E.R. YarhamNUMEROUS ATTEMPTS have been made to establish a universal language. In fact, over two hundred schemes have been drawn up, but none of these artificial syntheses is in sight of…
The Value of Library History
M.R. CutcliffeTHE HISTORY OF LIBRARIES AND LIBRARIANSHIP has been given both too little and too much attention. That there is a great deal of indifference on the part of many librarians…