Library Review: Volume 21 Issue 1
Table of contents
‘When found, make a note of’
Harry C. BauerTHE PRAYERFUL UTTERANCE, ‘May we never want a friend in need, nor a bottle to give him,’ has been widely publicized on a poster celebrating a rare Scotch whisky. The man who…
Norman Nicholson
Daniel HayTHE LOOMING MASS OF BLACK COMBE, and the sky‐line of the central fells that he can see from his window—Scafell, Scafell Pike, Great End, Harter Fell, Bowfell, Crinkle Crags…
Fun among the phonies
C.M. JacksonIT AMUSES AN OLD CODGER LIKE ME to see youngsters spend three weeks visiting three towns in the whole of mighty Russia, and come back with everything neatly parcelled and tied up…
Persons from Porlock
Sarah CampionYOU REMEMBER THE ORIGINAL ?—that He, She or It who interrupted Coleridge when he had written down no more than forty‐four lines of Kubla Khan—that unidentified Person who came…
Ici on Parle…
M. HuttonIF THERE ARE STILL LIBRARIANS in the Outer Hebrides or the far‐flung bastions of Greater Brummagen who cannot quite get the hang of cataloguing and faceted classification—or any…
A Victorian Best‐Seller
Dorothy BowhayWHEN LOUISE DE LA RAMEÉ was a young girl, a child she knew could not pronounce Louise so called her ‘Ouida’; so that the prolific Victorian novelist whose books became a craze at…
Burritt makes a note
Alfred DunningA HUNDRED YEARS AGO, while his country was in the throes of civil war, a wealthy American, Elihu Burritt, was walking through Scotland notebook in hand. He was in the final stages…