Table of contents
Oxford Reading
GILBERT HIGHETLOST CAUSES.—They find a home in Oxford, we are told: “lost causes, and forsaken beliefs, and unpopular names, and impossible loyalties.” Every bookcase is haunted by some antic…
A Review of Reviewers
STANLEY SNAITH“I LOVE the great despisers,” said Nietzsche, “for they are the great adorers.” If my attitude towards Mr. Squire, Mr. MacCarthy and the other grandees of contemporary criticism…
What is P.E.N.?
WILLIAM POWERWHAT is P.E.N.? The answer to that question may be of interest to the readers of a literary magazine of world‐wide circulation. For P.E.N.—the initials stand for Poets…
Landmarks in My Career
LION FEUCHTWANGERTHE question is frequently being raised: Why did the greatest historical event of late, the European war, not essentially inspire modern fiction ? That this colossal drama of…