Table of contents
Conversation in Valetta
WILLIAM McFEEIT was one of the minor distractions of participants in the late great war in Europe to observe the fantastic evolutions of marine nomenclature. As an immediate example it was my…
Libraries as Business Research Centres
JOHN COTTON DANANEWARK, New Jersey, is an industrial city with a population of about 500,000. When I became librarian of the Newark Free Public Library twenty‐five years ago, the population was…
The Romantic Reference Library
RUDDICK MILLARWHY, oh why do we for ever associate romance with moonlit nights, snow‐capped mountains, southern seas, and the sun‐baked alleys of the Far East? Why, when everywhere and every…
The Book Attack in Barsetshire
ANTHONY TROLLOPEWHERE is that tiresome tram? I'm late already, and yet I've been kept waiting for five minutes for the cursed conveyance. The crowd gathers, so there'll be a rush for it when it…
The Public Library and the School Child
ROBERT LILLIETHE Report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education on Books in Public Elementary Schools gives a fair account of the position when it suggests that the book supply…
The Murray Tradition
LORD GORELLI HAVE been asked by the Editor, whose powers of persuasion are great, not merely to write an article for the LIBRARY REVIEW but to write one on “The Murray Tradition.” Thus is my…
The Value of Reference Books
JOHN MINTOIT has been said of the late David Laing, who for so many years was guide, philosopher and friend to all workers in the field of Scottish history and antiquities who came to…