Table of contents
My Golden Books
FRANK SWINNERTONAs I look back, I find that, for me, as for many old men, the book of greatest influence is the Book of Life; and as one who has been extraordinarily lucky in friendships I know…
What a History of the Encyclopaedia could Show
SIDNEY L. JACKSONOne of the most striking phenomena in the literature of bibliography is the absence of a comprehensive critical history of the encyclopaedia. Helpful summaries with supporting…
A Child's World: Part II
HARRY C. BAUERAmerican children practice certain commendable but anomalous self restraints that are hard to account for. They seem to comprehend that beer, wine, and ardent spirits are for…
Rural Reading in Old Time England
G.E. FUSSELLThe only opinion in this world that appeals to anyone is his own. Jethro Tull, who is perhaps one of the best known personalities in the history of English farming, did not…
Topographical Literature
L.F. GREGORYHas any other nation a record comparable to Britain's in what is loosely — and not very happily — called topographical literature? It is very doubtful. A good catalogue of…