Table of contents
A Bouquet for Libraries
RICHARD CHURCHLooking back over forty‐five years as a professional writer, I realise my enormous debt to the public libraries. Samuel Johnson said that for every book a man writes, he should…
Confused Authorships
HARRY C. BAUERWhen it comes to choosing names, man is at a loss for words. There are far too many Jones's to “keep up with”. Smith is decidedly the most popular surname in Britain and America…
A Literary Editor Looks Back
HORACE THOROGOODSince nearly everyone reads books, it follows that they must have a wide influence on public opinion calling, one would think, for close critical attention by the newspapers. For…
The Library Association Headquarters: A Historical Note
ERNEST A. SAVAGEBut for the firmness of its Executive Committee some thirty years ago and for the good offices of Salter Davies, a Carnegie United Kingdom trustee, the Library Association very…
Mr. A. L. Hetherington
R.D. MACLEODThe name of A. L. Hetherington won't convey much to the present generation of librarians, but to those who were in the profession about the time of the First World War his name…