Table of contents
The General Library and the Specialist Reader
CHARLES W. BLACKI must make clear to my readers that by the term “General Library” I am viewing my subject from the standpoint of a large public reference library, whose first and foremost duty…
Dual Title Duplicity
HARRY C. BAUERBibliographers and book collectors must continue to endure “Double, double toil and trouble” so long as publishers refuse to heed Lord Falkland's wise dictum:— “When it is not…
The Questioning Reader
ERNEST A. SAVAGEThe late Harold Laski in Liberty and the Modern State (p. 168) tells us that in “our own day it would not be an unfair description of education to define it as the art which…
Comment on a Symposium
IRVING LIEBERMANOn your invitation, I am pleased to offer some comment on the symposium “Canadian Libraries and Problems of Staff Recruitment” which appeared in your Winter 1958 LIBRARY REVIEW.
Canadian Libraries and Problems of Staff Recruitment: Further Comments
Our symposium published in the Winter number has raised much interest among readers at home and in Canada and the United States. Now we have pleasure in publishing comments by…