Table of contents
The New Scottish Act Surveyed
WILLIAM B. PATONThe passing of the Public Libraries (Scotland) Act, 1955, is an important event, comprising as it does the first step forward in library legislation in the United Kingdom for more…
The Public Libraries (Scotland) Act, 1955
ALEXANDER DOWFor thirty‐five years the Council of the Scottish Library Association fought for new legislation. Despite opposition from other bodies, refusals from succeeding Secretaries for…
Clarity and the Versifiers
LORD DUNSANYWhen the editor kindly consulted me about an answer to my article on modern so‐called verse, I urged him to allow it in common fairness. Now, with both points of view stated, I…
Wanted—A New Technique
JOHN HARLEYI am going to begin rashly. I am going to assume that my views on the purposes of a public library are correct, I hold that it is a place of education: not the formal education of…
The Lion Sires a Mouse
FEARGUS MACMURCHADHAOn 4th December, 1947, Dail Eireann rushed through the Public Libraries Bill, 1947, in a week to ten days, on the eve of a General Election. The promised final consultation with…
How Long to Write a Book?
DAVID GUNSTONHow long does it take to write a book? Authors often get asked this question. There is, of course, no straightforward universal answer; so much depends on the book, on the author…
The Library Schools: A Symposium
In our last number we presented an article by Mr. J. C. Harrison of the Manchester School of Librarianship on “The Library Schools and a Historical Dilemma” in which professional…