Table of contents
The Small World of Books
CAMPBELL NAIRNEThere are occasions, and they do not grow less frequent as titles multiply and turnover soars to new heights, when I wonder if what it pleases some of us to call the world of…
Clarity and the Versifiers
LORD DUNSANYTo such an extent has so‐called “modern verse” been ousting poetry for twenty years, that we may be in danger of losing poetry altogether. This would be a loss of about a fifth of…
From Parnassus to Parsnips
FEARGUS MACMURCHADHAWe started off here with a staff of one, a share in a County Council back office, a handful of catalogues and very grandiose ideas. From the idyllic heights of Parnassus whose…
The Challenge of the New School Library
REGINALD HOWARTHIt is good that librarians are most critical of their better work. Complacency is insidious. But it is always necessary to approach closely to efficiency to become really aware of…