Table of contents
Libraries and Current Information
GEOFFREY WHATMORE“If you can see it, it's obsolete.” This dictum, applied usually to the amazingly rapid progress in aircraft design, has validity also for books. Not only in technical mat‐ters…
The Public Library's Function and the Fiction Question
ROBERT F. ASHBYThe fiction question—i.e., whether or not light literature should be provided in public libraries—has exercised men's minds since 1850 and before, and there is every sign that it…
A Librarian Looks at Publishers' Publicity: An Address to the Publishers' Publicity Circle
JAMES SWIFTMy first reaction to the question —“How am I affected by publishers' publicity in my book selection” —was almost a rude one, but I compromised with “very little.” This brief…
The Mortmain of the Libraries
W.B. READYT. S. Eliot in London, Louis Gottschalk in Chicago, both re‐cently have voiced in public meet‐ings their concern at the decay of the private and the personal libraries—mortmain is…