Table of contents
Conversation in a Library: Some Thoughts on Re‐reading
COLIN MILNEThe young man in the library folded up his list, turned away with a disgruntled look, and muttered something about there not being a single thing to read. I am not given to…
The Modern Writer's Problem
JAMES HANLEYThere was a time when the writer delivered a work to his publisher and confidently assumed that within a given time, usually six to nine months, he would see his work in published…
A Discussion of Recent Trends
C.B. FREEMANIn the various comments which have appeared in your own and other professional periodicals on the appearance of the British National Bibliography, no one seems to have expressed…
Social Significance of the Public Library Service
WILLIAM J. MURISONThe social significance of the public library is fundamentally its influence on all the individuals comprising the community and on the relationships of these people, one with…
The Library Association Conference
The programme of the Conference to be held in London this year from 18th to 22nd September is one that should have a general appeal to delegates, as its range is wide, and the…
Standards in Fiction
A reader refers to the Editorial in our Summer number in which it is said that the circulation of standard works as compared with the circulation of ephemeral material is too low…