Table of contents
Days of Yester‐year
EDWARD GREENTHE first Library Association Conference I attended was the one held at Cambridge in 1905 under the distinguished Presidency of the late Dr. Francis Jenkinson, and over the…
Libraries Afloat
IAN ARTHURABOVE the bar in the Merchant Navy Officers' Club in Gibraltar there is a card upon which are printed Dr. Johnson's words: “No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to…
Handed Down
A.R. WILLIAMSIT seems to be the fate of many old authors, some of them important, some of their works classics, to be handed down to younger generations, ending as reading matter for children…
What the Public Wants
M.S. MOOREONE of the most hoary problems of librarianship is the question of the theory of book selection, with which is interwoven the theory of book service. The protagonists are grouped…
The Children's Book Section
MURIEL M. GREENGREAT writers only too often go unrewarded in their life‐time and, while no one could say this of Walter de la Mare, winner of the Library Association Carnegie medal for an…