Journal of Documentation: Volume 79 Issue 3


Table of contents

The case for print: architecture trade journals as pedagogical tools for disciplinary knowledge

Sara Schumacher, Hillary B. Veeder

This article unpacks the construction of authority in architectural trade journals as multimodal disciplinary communication and how librarians can use these journals to engage…

Libraries in contemporary science fiction novels: uncertain futures or embedded in the fabric of society?

Amy Duxfield, Chern Li Liew

This study aims to examine the imagining of libraries and the depiction of library services in contemporary science fiction novels. Analyses of libraries in contemporary science…

User-centered categorization of mood in fiction

Hyerim Cho, Wan-Chen Lee, Li-Min Huang, Joseph Kohlburn

Readers articulate mood in deeply subjective ways, yet the underlying structure of users' understanding of the media they consume has important implications for retrieval and…

Designing for serendipity: a means or an end?

Annelien Smets

This article aims to gain a better understanding of the reasons why serendipity is designed for in different kinds of environments. Understanding these design intents sheds light…

Understanding international users' library experience in the Digital Age – joining the behavioral and experiential aspects

Yaming Fu, Elizabeth Lomas, Charles Inskip, Jenny Bunn

The purpose of this paper is to describe, analyze and understand international users' library experience in the Digital Age in order to inform library service design and ensure it…


On the two conceptualizations of information experience as an object of study: a response to Yu and Liu

Tim Gorichanaz

The purpose of this paper is to further the scholarly discussion of information experience as an object of study, including how this research area fits into library and…

The origins and informed uses of the terms phenomenography and phenomenology

Sylvain K. Cibangu

The purpose of this short reflection is to allow for an informed use of both phenomenography and phenomenology in information studies and cognate fields.

The effects of social media addiction on reading practice: a survey of undergraduate students in China

Ziming Liu, Rui Hu, Xiaojun Bi

The prevalence of digital reading and the widespread use of social media among young people demands systematic exploration of the effects of social media addiction on students'…


Information and the understanding of objective knowledge: a phenomenological study

Liangzhi Yu

This study aims to investigate how understanding of objective knowledge (as defined by Karl Popper) is experienced by the knowledge recipient and the role that information plays…

Negotiating digital public spaces: context, purpose and audiences

Rhiannon Stephanie Bettivia, Elizabeth Stainforth

The purpose of this article is to investigate digital public spaces and audiences and to explore the relationship of digital public spaces to both ideas of nationhood and physical…

Beyond disclosure: the role of self-identity and context collapse in privacy management on identified social media for LGBTQ+ people

Xinlin Yao, Yuxiang Chris Zhao, Shijie Song, Xiaolun Wang

While anonymous online interactions could be helpful and less risky, they are usually not enough for LGBTQ+ people to satisfy the need of expressing their marginalized identity to…

A diplomatic-informed archival pedagogy: fostering student-centered learning environments for novice archival researchers

Carly Dearborn, Michael Flierl

This paper begins to construct a theoretical foundation for using a diplomatic-informed pedagogy that specifically addresses common concerns in archival instruction in a higher…

From a network model to a model network: strategies for network development to narrow the LIS research–practice gap

Hazel Hall, Bruce Martin Ryan, Rachel Salzano, Katherine Stephen

The purpose of the empirical study was to examine whether strategies shown to work well in one model of network development for library and information science (LIS) practitioners…

The colonization of Wikipedia: evidence from characteristic editing behaviors of warring camps

Danielle A. Morris-O'Connor, Andreas Strotmann, Dangzhi Zhao

To add new empirical knowledge to debates about social practices of peer production communities, and to conversations about bias and its implications for democracy. To help…

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  • Prof David Bawden