Journal of Documentation: Volume 78 Issue 1


Table of contents - Special Issue: Time and Temporality in Library and Information Science

Guest Editors: Jutta Haider, Veronica Johansson, Björn Hammarfelt

Time and temporality in library and information science

Jutta Haider, Veronica Johansson, Björn Hammarfelt

The article introduces selected theoretical approaches to time and temporality relevant to the field of library and information science, and it briefly introduces the papers…


Into the archive of ubiquitous computing: the data perfect tense and the historicization of the present

John S. Seberger

This paper theorizes ubiquitous computing as a novel configuration of the archive. Such a configuration is characterized by shifts in agency underlying archival mechanics and a…

Documenting multiple temporalities

Pamela J. McKenzie, Elisabeth Davies

This article explores the varied ways that individuals create and use calendars, planners and other cognitive artifacts to document the multiple temporalities that make up their…

Making time/breaking time: critical literacy and politics of time in data visualisation

Veronica Johansson, Jörgen Stenlund

Representations of time are commonly used to construct narratives in visualisations of data. However, since time is a value-laden concept, and no representation can provide a…


Timeliness in information sharing within creative industries. Case: Finnish game design

J. Tuomas Harviainen, Miikka J. Lehtonen, Sören Kock

This article aims to examine instances of timeliness and temporality in information sharing conducted by members of the Finnish game design community. By doing so, it provides new…


Spatial thinking, gender and immaterial affective labour in the post-Fordist academic library

Karen P. Nicholson

The purpose of this paper is to use spatial thinking (space-time) as a lens through which to examine the ways in which the socio-economic conditions and values of the post-Fordist…

Reading time: exploring the temporal experiences of reading

Paulette M. Rothbauer, Lucia Cedeira Serantes

The purpose of this paper is to explore various concepts of time and temporal dimensions in the context of everyday reading experiences.

Information literacy as a site for anticipation: temporal tactics for infrastructural meaning-making and algo-rhythm awareness

Jutta Haider, Olof Sundin

The article makes an empirical and conceptual contribution to understanding the temporalities of information literacies. The paper aims to identify different ways in which…


Trauma, time and information

Ronald E. Day

In this article the author would like to discuss information and the causal-temporal models as discussed in trauma theory and reports from trauma therapy. The article discusses…

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  • Prof David Bawden