Journal of Documentation: Volume 74 Issue 1


Table of contents

Curating the infosphere: Luciano Floridi’s Philosophy of Information as the foundation for library and information science

David Bawden, Lyn Robinson

The purpose of this paper is to re-examine the proposal that Luciano Floridi’s philosphy of information (PI) may be an appropriate conceptual foundation for the discipline of…


The tattoo as a document

Kristina Sundberg, Ulrika Kjellman

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how tattoos can be considered documents of an individual’s identity, experiences, status and actions in a given context, relating to…


Provenance description of metadata application profiles for long-term maintenance of metadata schemas

Chunqiu Li, Shigeo Sugimoto

Provenance information is crucial for consistent maintenance of metadata schemas over time. The purpose of this paper is to propose a provenance model named DSP-PROV to keep track…


Users’ relevance criteria for video in leisure contexts

Sarah Ahmed A. Albassam, Ian Ruthven

The purpose of this paper is to understand how typical users of YouTube judge the relevance of videos in leisure contexts; what are the reasons users give when judging video…

Identifying “best bets” for searching in chemical engineering: Comparing database content and performance for information retrieval

Giovanna Badia

Performing efficient literature searches and subscribing to the most comprehensive databases for interdisciplinary fields can be challenging since the literature is typically…

The preferences of Chinese LIS journal articles in citing works outside the discipline

Chuanfu Chen, Qiao Li, Zhiqing Deng, Kuei Chiu, Ping Wang

The purpose of this paper is to understand how Chinese library and information science (LIS) journal articles cite works from outside the discipline (WOD) to identify the impact…

Researchers’ attitudes towards the use of social networking sites

Elke Greifeneder, Sheila Pontis, Ann Blandford, Hesham Attalla, David Neal, Kirsten Schlebbe

The purpose of this paper is to better understand why many researchers do not have a profile on social networking sites (SNS), and whether this is the result of conscious…


“Let the community decide”? The vision and reality of soundness-only peer review in open-access mega-journals

Valerie Spezi, Simon Wakeling, Stephen Pinfield, Jenny Fry, Claire Creaser, Peter Willett

The purpose of this paper is to better understand the theory and practice of peer review in open-access mega-journals (OAMJs). OAMJs typically operate a “soundness-only” review…


Understanding the effects of task and topical knowledge in the evaluation of websites as information patch

Helena Lee, Natalie Pang

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of task and user’s topic familiarity in the evaluation of information patch (websites).

Archives, libraries and museums in the Nordic model of the public sphere

Håkon Larsen

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of ALM organizations within a Nordic model of the public sphere.


Toward sustainable publishing and querying of distributed Linked Data archives

Miel Vander Sande, Ruben Verborgh, Patrick Hochstenbach, Herbert Van de Sompel

The purpose of this paper is to detail a low-cost, low-maintenance publishing strategy aimed at unlocking the value of Linked Data collections held by libraries, archives and…


Distribution features and intellectual structures of digital humanities: A bibliometric analysis

Qing Wang

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a retrospective bibliometric analysis of documents about digital humanities, an emerging but interdisciplinary movement. It examines the…


Making choices: developing digital research frameworks for information management

Maria Burke

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a digital research framework that can be applied to many of the areas that encompass the discipline of information management.

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  • Prof David Bawden