Table of contents
Communicating with Resellers
Louis W. SternIntroduction The purpose of this paper is to explore possible mechanisms that could be employed by members of a distribution channel to increase the level of meaningful…
Location Analysis: the Decision‐making Process
J.B. WestwoodThe location of economic facilities has existed as a problem for some considerable time, yet its emergence as an integral part of total distribution planning seems quite recent…
An Appraisal of Warehouse Location Models
R.H. MoleThis paper describes some of the complexities which abound in selecting warehouse sites (and warehouse networks); provides a structural appraisal of mathematical models; and…
The Cost of a Stock‐out
David WaltersAt a time when “out of stock” is rapidly becoming a way of life there is merit in attempting to assess the cost to the business. This article suggests some of the areas which…
Distribution and Environmental Concerns: The Beverage Container Problem
Charles M. Gudger, Jack C. BailesThe growth of one‐way distribution systems and throw‐away packaging has contributed to the world's excess consumption of resources and energy and to the increased generation of…
Physical Distribution Management and its Environment
C.G. ChentnikENVIRONMENTAL INTERRELATIONSHIPS The External Environment and Physical Distribution Management The constrained external environment within which the physical distribution effort…
Communications Forum: Pressing Problems in Distribution
Martin ChristopherThe economic scene in mid‐1974 presents a disconcerting background against which to highlight some of the current problem areas in distribution. Many of these problems have been…
Channel Tunnel rail link deferred Britain's Secretary of State for the Environment, Mr. Anthony Crosland, recently told the House of Commons that more time was needed to consider…