Table of contents
Physical distribution at A. Wander Ltd. — a case history of a decision
D.E. HUSSEYEvery company reaches stages in its affairs when it has to organise itself differently. We at Wander have reached this point in many areas, particularly over the last three years…
The vehicle fleet mix
PETER ALSBURYThis article describes a new and simple method for determining how much road transport capacity should be company‐owned, and how much should be hired from outside on a day‐to‐day…
Managing customer complaints in distribution
WILLIAM WAGNER“The customer service complaint is universal in physical distribution operations. It is inevitable that even the most efficient of distribution systems will occasionally have…
Decision making and attitudes of Canadian freight transportation buyers
Canadian carriers' “value‐added” accounts for about one‐eighth of the total costs of marketing and distributing goods in the Canadian economy. This is a high proportion compared…
The effect of returned goods on distribution performance
MAX L. DENSMORE, JOHN R. GRABNERA hidden enemy of distribution efficiency is at work in almost all distribution systems. It causes increased distribution costs, yet, in many firms, seldom receives much…
On the merits of simple models in distribution planning
J.C. HIGGINSThere has always been a tendency amongst a fairly vocal and influential section of the operational research profession, both in Europe and in the U.S.A., to weight mathematical…
Container documentation: implications for the P. D. manager
MARK WRONSKIOne of the major problems attendant on the containerisation explosion has been the universal diversity of documentation. In addition, the role of traditional intermediaries in the…
There is a tendency to view collections of readings with an air of “here we go again.” This is not so with this book. As a discipline marketing must accommodate change and must…