Industrial and Commercial Training: Volume 48 Issue 6


Table of contents

A three factor model of followership: part 1– introduction to followership, leadership and the three factor model of leadership

Tony Manning, Bob Robertson

While there is an extensive body of theory and research on leadership, less attention has been paid to other work roles, including follower roles. The purpose of this paper is to…


NaviGaTor: group decision-making methodology for the design of training programs

Charis A. Marentakis, Panagiotis Panagos, Afroditi Riga

The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic methodology (NaviGaTor) combining a structured method for the evolutionary design of training programs with Nominal Group…

Leading innovation, creativity and enterprise

Peter James Cook

Less than 50 per cent of global Chief Ecology Officers believe their enterprises are adequately prepared to handle a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment…


Why personal change is important for a conscious leader

Floyd Carson

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate why personal change is important for a conscious leader and provide four actionable traits a leader can implement to make a greater…


The effects of old-age stereotypes on organizational productivity (part three)

Steven H. Appelbaum, Richard Wenger, Carolina Pachon Buitrago, Ravneet Kaur

The purpose of this paper is to examine common stereotypes regarding old-age workers and the effect of these stereotypes on organizational productivity, as well as to suggest…

Breaking the glass ceiling: opportunity for the organization

Debashish Kumar Sahoo, Usha Lenka

The purpose of this paper is to decipher the benefits of breaking the glass ceiling in the organization, providing strategies to overcome it, and discussing the benefits availed…


Innovative tools and techniques to manage your stress to ensure work-life balance

M.S. Rao

The purpose of this paper is to outline various aspects of stress including its causes, effects and remedies to ensure work-life balance to achieve organizational excellence and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Siham Lekchiri
  • Dr Adriano Solidoro