Table of contents
Going global: implications for communication and leadership training
Mel BergerMost of us recognise the importance of building effective relationships in the global arena. However, do we have the skills to develop effective business relationships with others…
360‐degree feedback ‐ great expectations?
Marianne Huggett360‐degree feedback is gaining acceptance as a way of supporting development programmes and appraisal schemes. The experience of an engineering company using 360‐degree feedback…
Training managers to communicate effectively
Michael BlandCommunication is an increasingly important management discipline ‐ and audience expectations are changing. Argues that communication is a generic skill and that the best training…
Call centres: battery farming or free range?
Matthew CromeAlthough the UK’s call centre industry is booming, it is in danger of losing its lead in Europe to the might and experience of established US call centre operators. UK call…
The empowerment audit ‐ measured improvement
Martin DufficyExamines the development of the “empowerment audit” (EA) as a quantitative tool to measure the degree to which employees within an organisation are empowered. Analyses how what…

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1969Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Siham Lekchiri
- Dr Adriano Solidoro