Industrial and Commercial Training: Volume 21 Issue 6


Table of contents

Use of the Learning Styles Questionnaire with Tutors

Anne Wicks

The use of the Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire inthe further training of experienced tutors is described. The authorshows how greater awareness of prepared…

American Colleges and Training for Industry

Ronald R. Sims, Serbrenia J. Sims

Academia and industry are unlikely partners. The two kinds oforganisations differ in fundamental ways that, at first glance, seem topreclude, or certainly hinder, co‐operation…


Creating a New Men’s Leadership

Michael Simmons

Programmes to create equal opportunities for women have taken placein many organisations. The ensuing need, however, to find ways to enlistmale managers as allies for such…

“Return to Go”: Renewal Process in an Internal Organisation Development Unit

J.D. Edmonstone

The National Health Service is increasingly aware that thedevelopment of organisations and management is crucial to the pursuit of“excellence”. In light of this, the experience of…

A Bridge to Reality: Simulations in Communication Skills Training

John Y. Cousins, Marilyn F. McDougall

The development of communication skills is increasingly a keyelement in the training of staff who have a regular contact with thepublic. The Glasgow Garden Festival took place…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Siham Lekchiri
  • Dr Adriano Solidoro