Industrial Management: Volume 80 Issue 6

Table of contents

An Encouraging Budget

After the warning by Lord Cockfield, Minister of State at the Treasury, that the Chancellor did not have much room to manoeuvre to this year's Budget, the measures announced by…


Products and services

Wyseplant Ltd has supplied two of its Hy‐Ryder B10 hydraulic work platforms for operation by the Suez Shipyard in Egypt.


News for small business ‐ Barclays Bank invests £5 million in small government ‐ built factories

Mr David Mitchell MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Industry, has announced a £5 million injection of finance by Barclays Bank for small government‐built factories in…


A training course with a difference

Ask most managers how they would go about the vital task of improving relationships and communications between them and their staff, and very few would suggest a training course…


The rise, fall and rise of a company

Those of us who are old enough to remember the heady days of wireless sets with valves that glowed in the dark, and had wooden cases with delicate fretwork panels in front of the…


Now you see it

Last year over £250 million was spent on a burgeoning variety of audio‐visual equipment and services — everything from overhead projector units to multi‐media presentations. A—V…


How much employee motivation is desirable ?

Following the article in our March issue where PA Management Consultants examined a new approach to employee motivation, Dr. Philip Grant asks another question — How much employee…



Some four years ago when the energy crisis was beginning to be seen as a reality rather than an alarmist's dream, Gerry Welsh, Managing Director of Aldershot Ductworks, teamed up…



Mr. Leftley reported that, with the resignation of Mrs. Maynard as Development Manager, her work had been shared by the other Committee members.


In brief

Three Counties (3C) offer computer users continuous self‐adhesive computer labels both plain and printed.



This book is strongly critical of the development of science and technology in our society. It shows how the predictions of some sociologists — that technology would free human…




Online date, start – end:

1970 – 1980

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Emerald Publishing Limited